泛读四年,没背单词,小托福裸考卓越,ar突破13.0 -pg电子试玩

2022-6-23 15:06 原创 · 图片13



     jack去年十月小托福裸考卓越,今年ar突飞猛进,2月份9.6, 6月初更是达到13.0。小学低年级时曾参加过21世纪英语演讲比赛,最好成绩是进入决赛,但错过报名截止日,无缘决赛。




期间每天看30分钟英语动画片,如:汪汪队(不识字,中文字幕看不了),听妈妈讲30分钟绘本,印象比较深的有:an elephant& piggie biggie,碰到不理解的,有时候只能借助肢体语言来表达,中文解释得比较少。在家搭乐高或外出时经常听英语儿歌和童话故事。



第一次参加ar测试(2018年10月),ge:2.4, 每分钟阅读速度63个词。



     这两大套数是进入初章的启蒙,从2018年10月到2019年5月一直断断续续的,期间也放弃过,穿插看了一些 i can read等单本的分级读物,国家地理,图书馆系列。正式进入初章是从2019年5月开始的,标志性的读本是magic tree house,接下来自主阅读就非常顺利了。

在阅读的同时,为了增加口语练习,2019年3月底报名dada的网课,从wonders g2起步,一周二次,每次1小时,寒暑假每周6次。

magic tree house


magic tree house 第二季  

    2019年10月前jack还阅读了magic tree house merlin missions 等初章书,同年10月测ar,ge:4.0,阅读速度每分钟108词。

    2020年疫情,寒假及网课期间jack比较疯狂,每天花在英语上的时间超过5小时。1小时裸听,30分钟动画片,30分钟raz, 1小时网课,2小时阅读(经常超过)。当时jack开始看rick riordan 全系列,非常投入,边看边做笔记 ,经常一大早(我们还没起床)一个人坐在客厅里阅读,可见兴趣的力量是巨大的。接下来是warriors系列,也是爱不释手。6月dada网课结束,7月我们找了个留学生做小老师,每周2次网课,聊天和精读为主,寒暑假5-6次/周。8月ar测试,ge:6.0,阅读速度每分钟175词。


      之后看了一些非小说类的: who was, what was , where is, i survived,   magic tree house fact tracker, horrible histories, horrible science等。另外还有一套24本的ranger's apprentice系列不得不提,在jack心里远超哈利波特。


    2021年8月ar测试,ge:7.0, 阅读速度每分钟170词。整整一年只提高了1.0,当时我也很焦虑,后来只好自我安慰:阅读不仅仅为了提高语言水平,更重要的是知识的积累,认知的提高等。我和jack沟通后增加了非小说类的阅读,先后阅读了the story of civilization 和 the story of the world 系列, you wouldn't want, who was等,2022年2月ar测试, ge:9.6, 阅读每分钟190词,6月初myon测试,zpd:5.0-13.0(ar13.0)。近期jack已开始英语长篇小说“dream ?”的创作。


by: death's island  


suddenly, he moved without anyone else seeing him. he ran and ran around his house in the middle of the night. he wanted to be strong and fit to be a kid known to everyone as "sports guy”. a man in a black cloak stood on the top of the local church and smiled at the trying child. without the child noticing, the man shook his cloak, moved his arms into an oval shape, and then stopped...... abruptly, a ball of neon light shot out of his arm and into the body of the boy. then the man disappeared into thin air! 


once, in the city of smolderfog there was a kid named baron. he had brown-black hair, blue eyes and liked to play sports, although he was as skinny as ever. it was his day! he was a sixth grader now, a sixth grader that would begin his classes soon. it would definitely be a day to prepare all his things and be ready to go to school. he was going to live in his very own house, and after that his parents were going to go away and retire somewhere calm and cozy; a great place for retirement. that was superb news to baron because he liked being alone. no one is like him. he wished to find a team but no one could cooperate with him. they thought he was way too nerdy. he liked math, science, physics and computer class the best and he was longing to go somewhere else to get him more satisfaction in this world. he liked reading books and doing sports, of course. however, middle-school just gave him a sensation that it would be important and it would be his choice completely (now that his parents were gone) to pursue his interests.

*  *  *

as the first spark of morning came, baron got up, made his last breakfast at this” so called” home and happily went to school without any worry about anything. there were a lot of things he didn’t know and didn’t want to know. he didn’t know going to school was the beginning of his fall, fear and despair. also, he was alone, in something no one could reassure him; what he didn’t want to know as well was that this opportunity was the most important step to success or failure; a step in his life.

baron was excited about this school; this is a new start. he chose this school because he likes it. it can let you choose the classes you like the best and what you detest the most. it will let you have more time to feel what you will be, the classes you choose as the most you will have more time in them even though you would have to learn other classes whether you like it or not; but the only thing that gets you to go out of a class you really hate (you can only choose two and you can choose any of them except the main subjects) is when you go to the library and choose a book you like, (about one of the topics you choose as like the best (the ltb pile)), everyone who has heard of this school likes it; it has its own way of attracting people to its history. the school is growing bigger by the minute, it can be compared to a whole stadium or even more if some would like to.

baron chose his ltb for his hobbies (physics... if you still remember) and his “go to library (gtl)” classes as art and music (music refers only to instrumental classes).

before he went to school, he found very surprised that by the doorstep an unusual letter by his parents. it read:

dear son:

you understand that it has come to the time that we retire and live in a way you cannot understand, you are still too young.

once, we helped a cloaked man by getting him out of the oozing mud,

the cloaked man had nothing to give back to us,

so, he then gave us a ring saying it would be a gift.

we accepted it and will give it to you now!

wish you luck,

dad and mom

p.s: also, the ring is in the packet with this letter

p.p.s: if you have a problem with school or trouble of any kind, go to any book you can find, thump your thumb on the cover, back cover and any of its pages;

mutter “enterliioo” when you’re finished and then go inside.

if you meet the guards, say you’re the son of samantha codines and jacob codines

baron thought,” how interesting, i thought my mother said we are a family of smith’s, and my parents are in a kind of secret agency.”

just then the bell rang and he had to go to school. baron knocked off the bell, put on the ring his parents gave him, closed the door and muttered,” never mind i don’t have a lot of time, after all it’s the first day of school.”

英语原版路一路走来,看似轻松,其实背后的付出,外人很难看到,2020年,2021年jack共阅读原版书2000万字。几个重要的节点很重要,听力词汇3000,自然拼读,分级读物,初章(magic tree house),中高章,非小说,获奖作品等,还有就是网课,目的是让孩子有语言环境,多听多说。ar除了语言难度外,还有一个重要的参考指标就是兴趣年龄 ,这个非常重要。比如孩子在小学低年级时,不适合看6年级以上的,因为他们不理解,也不感兴趣,有关调查显示:普通孩子四年级才开始对历史有兴趣。特别是ar过了7.0以后,小说类的书籍可选读本大幅减少,这时引入非小说类的恰到好处。


rachelstone 小托卓越,raz需要通关吗?


jack alan
jack alan
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